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New Bolivar Stadium Designed by L35 Architects Breaks Ground in la Paz, Bolivia


Not only is L35 Architects currently renovating Real Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Spain, it has also designed a new stadium in the capital of Bolivia. Selected through an international competition organized in 2021 by Club Bolivar and its partner City Football Group, construction is about to begin and completion is expected in 2025.

New Bolivar Stadium Designed by L35 Architects Breaks Ground in la Paz, Bolivia - Image 4 of 5
El estadio Bolívar será realizado con un único material y mostrará una estructura de pilares masivos, dispuestos en un ritmo constante de llenos y vacíos, conformando un volumen monumental a la vez que permeable, abierto y conectado al entorno. Image © L35 Architects

The project takes place on the remains of the former Simón Bolívar Liberator Stadium in the Tembladerani neighborhood, maximizing the capacity of the irregular site of just 16,000m2, by means of a new structural system of massive pillars that raises the field and the stands 3 meters above their current level, thus doubling the footprint under the stands.

New Bolivar Stadium Designed by L35 Architects Breaks Ground in la Paz, Bolivia - Image 2 of 5
Vista de los vomitorios del futuro estadio Bolívar de La Paz. Para conseguir el aforo objetivo en apenas 16.000m2, se elevan el campo y la grada 3m sobre su nivel actual, duplicando así la huella bajo grada, al mismo tiempo que se mejora la accesibilidad alrededor del estadio. Image © L35 Architects

The design seeks to mark a landmark in the urban fabric of La Paz, while at the same time seeking to connect with the identity of the dense urban fabric of its surroundings and its steep slopes. The exposed facades are nothing more than their own concrete structure with textures of the formwork, to which are added generously proportioned openings that resolve the independent accesses.

The urban impact of a construction of these characteristics requires internalizing the surroundings and adapting to the scale of the site - Guillermo Gusó, architect of L35.

New Bolivar Stadium Designed by L35 Architects Breaks Ground in la Paz, Bolivia - Image 5 of 5
Visualización 3D de la propuesta con la que L35 ganó el concurso para el diseño del futuro estadio Bolívar en La Paz, Bolivia. Image © L35 Architects

The future sports field has the capacity to host concerts and will have restaurants, stores, and event rooms with autonomous operation that seeks to extend the building's activity beyond game days.


Architects: L35 Architects.
Project manager and construction management: L35 Architects.
Team of architects: Alejandro Barca, Guillermo Gusó, Diego Blasco, Sebastián Negro, Stefano Melgrati, Nicolás Pinzón, Carlos Ruiz, Ángel Pi, Boris Orellana.

Consultants: Ines Ingenieros Consultores (structure); Grupo Argenia (structure and installations); Arkilum (lighting); Arquitorium (acoustics); Civil Turf (natural grass), Fileni Fileni (signage).

Client: Club Bolívar.

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Cite: Dejtiar, Fabian. "New Bolivar Stadium Designed by L35 Architects Breaks Ground in la Paz, Bolivia" [El nuevo Estadio Bolívar diseñado por L35 Architects inicia su construcción en La Paz, Bolivia] 09 Dec 2022. ArchDaily. (Trans. Pérez Bravo, Amelia) Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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